November 7, 2019

About Me

My Story

Cordoba, Argentina          Wisconsin, USA

I was born and lived my entire childhood in one of the most beautiful places in the world, the Sierras de Cordoba, in Argentina. My Dad always instilled in me a deep desire to learn and excel in what I decided to do later in life. And that is what I exactly did. I became a teacher at age 21 and since then have been teaching and training hundreds of people both face-to-face and online.

Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina.

During my graduate work, I met my husband John and not only did I fall in love with him but with his passion for the Internet and its power to be a global stage for our projects. For the last twenty years (YES, 20!), we have been teaching and training online and helping teachers, trainers, and authors put their courses online following sound instructional design.

Why Am I Here? 

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Made Easy

Since we relocated to the US in 2017, people wonder WHY on earth we wanted to live in -35 degrees in the winter! Well, this is the country like no other to launch an online business 🙂

I have been there and done that “the hard way”. And it cost me time, extra work, pain, including many tears! Years of my life and the prime of my life, just gone like in a minute. It was really bold when I selected instructional technologies as my major back in 1998. Well, twenty years later, I want to pay it forward and help YOU not to make the same mistakes I made. I will want to walk you through this process so you can shine online. And I want you to avoid the pain and the frustration of encountering design, hosting and technical support hurdles that should never happen! I have your perfect TOOLBOX!

Your Online Marketing Success Is My Success! 

Global State

Remember: The Globe is your Stage

We all live busy lives, I get it. I wake up at 5 every morning, help my teenage daughters get ready for school, work as a teacher and a trainer full-time, but my real passion is digital marketing. I understood the power of the Internet as an early adopter and mastered it through two university programs and, more recently, through one of the most powerful marketing companies in the online space. I have designed a system to quickly equip you with the tools to crush it in your online business. I will show you “how” and it will be fast and easy. However, it will take work and commitment. This is NOT the “get rich quick” stay-at-home path. My training will help you launch your business online the easy way.

I am ready to do this, to be your online coach so you can reach digital altitude and fly like an eagle, are you?

Just drop me a line with your thoughts, and most importantly, with your needs. I am HERE to help you! 🙂

Your Digital Coach,

Paula Schmitz, Ed.M.

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