Keyword Research Tool

If you want to be a successful online entrepreneur, you will need to have a reliable TOOLBOX.  

  • You will need to have a NICHE: What is your DREAM? What are you GREAT at and passionate about?
  • You will need a WEBSITE to add content about your niche. Are you familiar with WordPress?
  • You will need a HOSTING Platform for your Website. Are you familiar with the Wealthy Affiliate Platform?
  • You will need to use a number of DIGITAL MARKETING strategies to draw traffic to your website.

You can do this on your own, the long and difficult way. Or you can have me as your Digital Marketing Coach 🙂

A Keyword Research Tool Needs to Be in Your Toolbox!

I will walk you through this process while you take the training at Wealthy Affiliate by my hand.

Why are Keywords so important, you might wonder. Well, this is the way algorithms work in online searches!

You will need to find the right keywords for:

  • your niche,
  • your domain name registration,
  • your website title and tagline,
  • your webpage content,
  • your blog posts,
  • your social media posts, etc.

This is not a MINOR detail, it is a MAJOR, super important consideration if you want to drive traffic to your website!

Got it! Now What Keyword Research Tool Can I Use?

If you use the Wealthy Affiliate platform, the one I recommend HERE, it includes a FREE keyword search function:

Want to Upgrade to a Keyword Research Tool Powerhouse?

Now, if you want to go fancier in your search for keywords, you can sign up with JAAXY and get a Keyword Research Suite.

You can try it out for free by using the Jaaxy Search plugin box here below and have a starter account:


4 thoughts on “Keyword Research Tool

  • Just like anything in life, if you want to be successful you need the right tool for it. As a newbie in affiliate marketing, I have tried and failed and scammed etc, thankfully I found WA. I think it is important for all the beginners to have the right training on the area that they do not know and they also need the right tool to be successful as well.

    I love Jaxxy, it is such an easy software to use. I love the alphabet soup and the brainstorm options. I also love that I can check the ranking at my site as well.

    I guess you are just gonna have to try it for yourself. Why not? It is free! 

  • Wow, this is a really good informational site. You have covered everything I would want to know about keywords and why they are so important. Thanks for the information. I’ll have to give Jaaxy a try.

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